You would have less of a fuss taking care of an adult dog. They already have this established behavior that you can easily adapt too. By being with the dog more often, you would have more or less an idea of what its temperament is.
You need to get as much information as you can when adopting an adult dog. Take note of its habits and mood swings. Hopefully you can acquire this valuable data from the previous owners of the dog. Some adult dogs may have some behavior issues. It is important to take note of them.
It may take some time and effort for an adult dog to be completely comfortable with a new owner.
You need to introduce an adult dog to your children and other household members before bringing him into the home. This would help the dog be familiar with them and helps them refrain from biting or barking thinking that they maybe strangers.
Adult dog may not need your full attention unlike puppies need and would require lesser trips to the vet.
For a fully grown dog physique and behavior is basically not a variable anymore. What you see is basically what you get.
Most dogs are housebroken already so they would cause lesser damage to your belongings and don’t wake up at night like most puppies do. They have usually overgrown the impulse of chewing things that strike his fancy.
An older dog can easily adapt to other pets, like other dogs or cats, if you have a group of them at your household.
Adopting a dog is not an easy task and choosing which one to adopt can be a little tricky too. Everyone loves sweet looking puppies, but not everyone can stand up to the tiresome house training although most appreciate the bonding shared with them. Adult dogs need no great amount of guidance but can still turn out to be a lovable pet. Whichever you think is the right pet for you, just keep in mind that taking care of them needs a lot of time and effort. In return, they would always keep you company and has ready smile with an excited wag of tail waiting for you everyday.
Bringing up a puppy is an advantage because this means that you guide its growth and well being. You have the chance to raise it according to what you want. This means you can ensure that it is properly nurtured with the right dog food, ensure that necessary vaccinations are given and prevent heartworm at this early stage. Having your puppy personally trained is also a plus since you can teach him exactly what you want.
You should adopt a puppy when it is at least 10 weeks old. Puppies need a lot of time to be cared for by their mothers. This is a crucial stage for them. They somehow gain a psychological advantage for both puppy and for the mother dog as well.
A puppy can easily adjust to new surroundings as compared to an adult dog even though most puppies may cause minimal to major damage to your personal stuff while they are in the stage of teething. They need to be housebroken and house training needs a lot of time, effort and patience from the owner.
There is no assurance of what a puppy will look like when it grows up; especially it is a mixed breed. Also, his temperament might change too when he grows up.
Most pet owners love how puppies can be entertaining for the entire family. They are very cute and adorable pets that is a hit for both children and grown ups. Puppies can be easily regarded as one of the family.
You should adopt a puppy when it is at least 10 weeks old. Puppies need a lot of time to be cared for by their mothers. This is a crucial stage for them. They somehow gain a psychological advantage for both puppy and for the mother dog as well.
A puppy can easily adjust to new surroundings as compared to an adult dog even though most puppies may cause minimal to major damage to your personal stuff while they are in the stage of teething. They need to be housebroken and house training needs a lot of time, effort and patience from the owner.
There is no assurance of what a puppy will look like when it grows up; especially it is a mixed breed. Also, his temperament might change too when he grows up.
Most pet owners love how puppies can be entertaining for the entire family. They are very cute and adorable pets that is a hit for both children and grown ups. Puppies can be easily regarded as one of the family.
Adopting A Dog - Puppy or Adult?
Adopting a dog is an exciting event. Truly a man’s best friend, you can rely on your pet to give you company, companionship and some can even guard your house. You need to review your personal lifestyle and needs when adopting a dog. It is a major decision whether or not you choose to have a puppy or an adult as a pet.
Before deciding on which dog to adopt, here is some useful information that might help you decide.
Bringing up a puppy is an advantage because this means that you guide its growth and well being. You have the chance to raise it according to what you want. This means you can ensure that it is properly nurtured with the right dog food, ensure that necessary vaccinations are given and prevent heartworm at this early stage. Having your puppy personally trained is also a plus since you can teach him exactly what you want.
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Adult dog
You would have less of a fuss taking care of an adult dog. They already have this established behavior that you can easily adapt too. By being with the dog more often, you would have more or less an idea of what its temperament is.
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Before deciding on which dog to adopt, here is some useful information that might help you decide.
Bringing up a puppy is an advantage because this means that you guide its growth and well being. You have the chance to raise it according to what you want. This means you can ensure that it is properly nurtured with the right dog food, ensure that necessary vaccinations are given and prevent heartworm at this early stage. Having your puppy personally trained is also a plus since you can teach him exactly what you want.
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Adult dog
You would have less of a fuss taking care of an adult dog. They already have this established behavior that you can easily adapt too. By being with the dog more often, you would have more or less an idea of what its temperament is.
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Purebred versus Mutt
You can choose either a specific breed otherwise known as pure bred as we discussed in the previous chapter or choose one that is if a mixed breed or a mutt.
For people involved with professional breeding, there is a huge difference in purebreds and so-called “mutts.” “Mutts” are of mixed breed. Some are actually purebred but have no documentation proving that they are purebred. If you are looking for a pet and have no interest in entering into competition with your dog, this might be a viable option for you.
Choosing a dog depends on many things. The size of one’s home, how much exercise is needed, does it shed often or if you wants a gentle or playful companion.
Deciding to own one whether it is large or small involves a lot of responsibility. It is not just about feeding it but includes other chores such as grooming, watching its health and diet, cleaning up after it and most importantly, giving it some tender loving care. There are many places you can get a dog such as a kennel or the pet store but if you want to get a pure bred animal, you must seek a reputable breeder to get the best results.
As we discussed in the previous chapter, breeding done in purebred dogs is done carefully. The pair is tested for every possible disease which includes having all the information regarding the pair’s ancestors and health records on file. Should there be no problem in the history of the pair, then the breeding can begin. If in testing, the pair is not compatible due to diseases that are common in a specific breed, another dog will be selected to match with the other dog.
Since the demand for the breeder’s pure bred dogs are well sought after due to the selective nature of the breeding practices, the newborn pups will still have to be raised with the breeder and will only be released when a number of pre-screened homes have been found.
This is done for the welfare of the select few of owners and to control population growth. If you opt for a purebred as we discussed previously and do meet the criteria that a responsible breeder will request, you stand a good chance of getting the dog you want. The restriction may seem severe but responsible breeds care a great deal about how “their” offspring will be raised.
Mixed breeds on the other hand or mutts as people call them could have been bred out of experimentation to produce a breed which could be better and stronger than the two breeds. Most likely, these were the results of accidents. This is the reason why dogs of mixed breeds just like pure breeds must be neutered since millions of dogs every year that are not wanted by people die in animal shelters.
Health wise, pure bred dogs that come from a line of strong parents won’t have problems. This is because breeders screen the pair before the process happens.
Unfortunately, there are instances where certain breeders are more concerned about financial gain rather than the welfare of the animal. This is especially true of those breeders who do not practice the strict guidelines of proper breeding thereby producing inferior dogs.
Mixed bred dogs on the other hand, will fall somewhere in the middle since proper screening was poorly done or never carried out. Certain dogs carry varied deficiencies common to the breed and mixing the two will just pass on to the mixed breed.
Some people prefer pure bred dogs than mixed bred ones. The primary reason is that it is easier to sell and carries a certain prestige with it. Mixed bred dogs are seen as inferior and since no one is interested, most of these are rounded up and die in an animal shelter.
Pure bred dogs are seen as a higher class which is why they are always featured at dog shows. Mixed dogs are not allowed to join. The reasons given have not been that clear which is why mixed breed owners still contest the rule.
Selecting A Breeder
Dogs are considered as man’s best friend. Deciding to own one whether it is big or small involves a lot of responsibility. It is not just about feeding it but includes other chores such as grooming, watching its health and diet, cleaning up after it and most importantly, giving it some tender loving care. There are many places one can get a dog such as a kennel or the pet store. But if you want to get a purebred animal, you must seek a reputable breeder to get the best results.
Finding the right breeder for the dog depends on the breed that you selects. Professional breeders do not breed frequently and will only do so when a pair is found to be healthy and temperament that will insure the birth of also healthy offspring. Breeders will also breed only when a sufficient number of homes have been evaluated and deemed appropriate. Given that there is no standard as to what a standard breeder is, you should do research by asking people and interviewing as many breeders as possible before making a decision. There are many categories of the type of breeders in the market and by knowing which one is the best and understanding the consequences; this will make all the difference of the type of offspring that will be produced.
The ideal breeder should have the pair of dogs tested for every possible disease as well as have all the information regarding the pair’s ancestors and health records on file. Should a breeder find no problem in the history of the pair, you must still ask details to be sure. This is one sign that shows the breeder the interest of a potential owner of such a magnificent and smart animal. You can also ask the people who have be given offspring’s in the past to check if there were any problems since the breeder maintains a close relationship with these dog owners.
Reputable breeders have certain requirements that you must have before qualifying as a potential dog owner. These are usually in the form of written contracts or guarantees with a spay or neuter requirement that limits the registration of the puppies. This is done both for the protection of the owner as well to control a possible overpopulation problem. The person who wants a dog must have a secured backyard and attend certain classes such a puppy kindergarten to be familiar with the challenges you will face come the time the dog has been given.
The requirements needed by the breeder is not to delay the process of giving you a dog but to ensure that the person is aware of what will happen as a dog owner and the responsibilities that come with it as well as make sure that the puppies will have good homes. This is what makes responsible breeders different from others who are not since these people are not concerned about the health or welfare of the dogs but are just in it to earn money.
Once a person is able to find the ideal breeder, the waiting does not end there. Since the demand for the breeder’s dogs are well sought after due to the selective nature of the breeding practices, the newborn pups will still have to be raised with the breeder and will only be released when a number of pre-screened homes have been found. If you do all the research, it is possible that you will qualify as part of that list.
One of the most critical factors in identifying a good breeder aside from the health and food given is the condition of the mother after birth and how well are the puppies taken cared of. The best way to do is if the breeder is just nearby so you can visit the place from time to time and monitor the condition of the puppies.
Another good quality of a responsible breeder is the voluntary assistance provided to the owners of the puppies. If the placement of the puppy did not work out as hoped with a certain owner, the breeder can require the person to return the puppy and provide it with a better home since the life of the puppies is the responsibility of the breeder throughout the dog’s life. We’ll take a more in-depth look in the next chapter where we will discuss the pros and cons of purebred as opposed to a “mutt.”
Finding the right breeder for the dog depends on the breed that you selects. Professional breeders do not breed frequently and will only do so when a pair is found to be healthy and temperament that will insure the birth of also healthy offspring. Breeders will also breed only when a sufficient number of homes have been evaluated and deemed appropriate. Given that there is no standard as to what a standard breeder is, you should do research by asking people and interviewing as many breeders as possible before making a decision. There are many categories of the type of breeders in the market and by knowing which one is the best and understanding the consequences; this will make all the difference of the type of offspring that will be produced.
The ideal breeder should have the pair of dogs tested for every possible disease as well as have all the information regarding the pair’s ancestors and health records on file. Should a breeder find no problem in the history of the pair, you must still ask details to be sure. This is one sign that shows the breeder the interest of a potential owner of such a magnificent and smart animal. You can also ask the people who have be given offspring’s in the past to check if there were any problems since the breeder maintains a close relationship with these dog owners.
Reputable breeders have certain requirements that you must have before qualifying as a potential dog owner. These are usually in the form of written contracts or guarantees with a spay or neuter requirement that limits the registration of the puppies. This is done both for the protection of the owner as well to control a possible overpopulation problem. The person who wants a dog must have a secured backyard and attend certain classes such a puppy kindergarten to be familiar with the challenges you will face come the time the dog has been given.
The requirements needed by the breeder is not to delay the process of giving you a dog but to ensure that the person is aware of what will happen as a dog owner and the responsibilities that come with it as well as make sure that the puppies will have good homes. This is what makes responsible breeders different from others who are not since these people are not concerned about the health or welfare of the dogs but are just in it to earn money.
Once a person is able to find the ideal breeder, the waiting does not end there. Since the demand for the breeder’s dogs are well sought after due to the selective nature of the breeding practices, the newborn pups will still have to be raised with the breeder and will only be released when a number of pre-screened homes have been found. If you do all the research, it is possible that you will qualify as part of that list.
One of the most critical factors in identifying a good breeder aside from the health and food given is the condition of the mother after birth and how well are the puppies taken cared of. The best way to do is if the breeder is just nearby so you can visit the place from time to time and monitor the condition of the puppies.
Another good quality of a responsible breeder is the voluntary assistance provided to the owners of the puppies. If the placement of the puppy did not work out as hoped with a certain owner, the breeder can require the person to return the puppy and provide it with a better home since the life of the puppies is the responsibility of the breeder throughout the dog’s life. We’ll take a more in-depth look in the next chapter where we will discuss the pros and cons of purebred as opposed to a “mutt.”
Beagles have acquired a strong sense of smell. Because of this quality they are used for
hunting animals like rabbits. They have big ears that are low-set giving them that gentle
look. Their furs are commonly white, black, brown or a combination of both. Beagles are
known to be very good tempered. Training might prove to be a tricky task because these
dogs are strong willed that makes them quite stubborn. Beagles travel in pack, being a pet
dog might cause them to have anxiety.
Above is a simple overview of popular breed of dogs. In choosing a dog for you consider each breeds’ physical appearance, temperament and health issues. Of course, each dog should fit your lifestyle. Remember dogs should be given proper attention and care but in exchange you can have the best companion ever.
Above is a simple overview of popular breed of dogs. In choosing a dog for you consider each breeds’ physical appearance, temperament and health issues. Of course, each dog should fit your lifestyle. Remember dogs should be given proper attention and care but in exchange you can have the best companion ever.
Dachshunds are also referred to as sausage dogs because of their elongated built. They
have short legs and pointed facial framework. Chasing and hunting are their favorite past
times. Most dachshunds have crooked legs and chest compared to a barrel. Dachshunds are
playful and loyal dogs that loves to chase small animals like birds. Their senses are very
keen and well-developed though they often exhibit shyness.
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